What is GNSS receiver testing?
Find out how GNSS receiver testing enables your customers to rely on the positioning and navigation of your products.

Building reliable products demands thorough testing and evaluation
With the increasing reliance on GNSS technology, it is important for designers, manufacturers and consumers of these products to understand what to expect from such systems. This includes formulating an understanding of the limitations and problems of technologies and how to test them.
No two GNSS receivers perform exactly the same, and there are no standardised measures to be provided in a specification. For this reason a series of fundamental tests must be carried out at every development stage.
Utilising GNSS simulation to evaluate a receiver
A GNSS simulator reproduces the environment of a receiver by modelling vehicle and satellite motion, signal characteristics, and other effects. Effective use of a simulator is the most valuable tool in GNSS receiver testing.
Six key receiver tests
Cold start time-to-first-fix
With no prior information
Hot start time-to-first-fix
With information already known
Acquisition sensitivity
Lowest power to acquire lock
Tracking sensitivity
Lowest power to maintain lock
Reacquisition time
After signal has been lost
Position accuracy
Static and dynamic
Related Resources
Spirent’s GNSS receiver test tools have led the industry for over 35 years
GSS7000 GNSS Simulator
GSS9000 GNSS Simulator
GNSS Receiver Testing
Learn how our solutions for GNSS Receiver Testing could benefit your business.