Cloud and Virtualization Test & Assurance
Ensure cloud-native networks deliver on promised benefits such as faster time to market, lower costs, and freedom from vendor lock-in.

The Hybrid Cloud Challenge
As service providers implement new cloud strategies, they must ensure networks continue to deliver the performance customers expect. New hybrid cloud approaches consist of on-premises, public, private and edge clouds, requiring enhanced collaboration with vendors and heightened vigilance against security vulnerabilities. Test and assurance must evolve to meet these new challenges.
New Innovations for Cloud Testing
Visibility of service performance and security efficacy
Integrate with network and cloud platforms to drive automation
Leverage machine learning powered analysis for network insights
Test horizontally across each domain (RAN, edge clouds, core) and then assess the end-to-end service performance and security vulnerabilities including the hybrid clouds. Test vertically up and down the IT stack isolating router infrastructure and containerized network functions (CNF).
Related Resources
Featured Products & Services
Emulate real-world networks and traffic in the lab
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Service Assurance for 5G, SD-WAN, Cloud, Ethernet, and Cybersecurity
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Mitigate risks by proactively identifying security vulnerabilities
Learn moreCloud & Virtualization
Learn how our solutions for Cloud & Virtualization could benefit your business.