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Telco Cloud & Edge Forum

March 21, 2024

Delivering Growth – Leveraging APIs, AI, Edge in Cloud-native Networks

Join this virtual forum to delve into the business models adopted by telcos worldwide and to learn what the tools to adopt a ‘fail-fast' approach to innovation are.

Deep dive into the technical and strategic aspects of the transition to a cloud-native network and the related applications that are driving ROI.

Two distinguished speakers from Spirent will participate in this one-day forum, please see below for details:

Panel: Overcoming Security Challenges in Cloud-Native and Edge Environments

  • Time: 10:35 am - 11:15 am ET
  • Spirent speaker: Sashi Jeyaretnam (Senior Director Product Management)
  • What are the security risks associated with cloud-native applications, multi-cloud and edge architectures? What are the emerging risks and opportunities of quantum technologies and AI? Explore the different threats arising and what strategies, tools and solutions are emerging to protect networks.

Panel: Roadmap to Monetization – Open APIs: Standardization, Innovation, Integration

  • Time: 2:25 pm – 3:05 pm ET
  • Spirent speaker: Anil Kollipara (VP of Product Management, Test & Automation)
  • What architectures, technologies and partnerships will enable swift innovation for telecoms? What opportunities and risks do open APIs present? What must telcos achieve to facilitate access for developers? Look at the Service Based Architecture to create a scalable, resilient and extensible service-oriented environment. The panel will explore the concept of Network-as-a-Service (NaaS), expanding the Telco Edge Cloud to include multi-MNO federation and network service APIs.


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Virtual | 9 am ET / 2 pm UK

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Featured speakers


Sashi Jeyaretnam

Senior Director of Product Management for Security Solutions


Anil Kollipara

Anil Kollipara

Vice President, Product Management
