North American Semiconductor Provider Tests 10x Faster


Customer Overview. Major top-selling North American semiconductor company, in the wireless and broadband communication business, needed to facilitate validation of their chipsets with a non-profit research and development consortium. Product sales were contingent on timely comprehensive testing by the research lab. The lab, however, faced rising and expanding demand for testing, but did not have the resources in place to meet the demand. The manufacturer needed to accelerate the approval process to ensure their chipsets met the industry’s high-quality standards and existing test criteria.

The Challenge. Severe time to market delays were dependent on third-party testing. There was a clear need to maximize available test resources to be reusable and maintainable and to scale easily with future requirements. Software quality assurance (SQA) engineers were constrained in bandwidth to develop and maintain test resources. The need to automate initial testing to avoid time-intensive cycles on future manual regression was increasing in urgency. The test team required a test system that accommodated 24/7 regression testing.

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